
Showing posts from October, 2010

Pumpkin Picking

Last week we took Little M to pick out her pumpkin!  We went to the same place we went last year.  It was  fun to see how much she had grown in just a year.  Last year she couldn't even walk around, but this year she was able to run amongst the pumpkins and through the hay maze.  She had a wonderful time, as did we but I think we all enjoyed the donuts and cider at home the most! Walking through the maze Posing with mom Picking out a pumpkin with Dad!

Looking for Furniture?

As a preferred blogger for CSN stores  I am very impressed with their products.  As I have mentioned in the past, they have a plethora of products.  But did you know you can also buy furniture there?  Like these gorgeous kitchen bar stools for example.   Isn't it beautiful?  It makes me really wish I had a bar in my kitchen to put these under!  I'll be doing a review of another one of CSN's wonderful products soon and I can't wait to share my experience with you!

It's That Time of Year!

I love Christmas, like big puffy pink heart LOVE Christmas.  It is by far my favorite holiday season.  I love the baking, gift buying and wrapping, spending time with loved ones, and especially, sending out Christmas cards! I have sent our cards every year since I became a Mrs. and every year my list grows longer and longer.  Because of that I make sure I am organized and normally manage to send out my cards just a few days after Thanksgiving.  So I am already in the middle of my search for the perfect card! The first few years Skip and I were married, I sent out basic greeting cards.  But since Little M came along, photo cards are a must!  And where better to turn than Shutterfly .  This has always been one of my go-to websites for prints and photo books, so it makes an obvious choice for Christmas cards as well! I could peruse their website for hours on end....seriously!  Here is just a little sampling of some of their amazing products. I'm Ro...

Pacifier Update

Okay, it's been three days so I figured it is time for an update on Operation: Take Away Pacifier.  Since I don't know most of you in real life, it would be so easy for me to lie and tell you that it is going wonderfully and Little M completely and easily dropped the paci habit.  But I believe in honest on a blog, so I will tell you the truth.  Operation: Take Away Pacifier?  Big fat Mommy FAIL. Sunday morning started off great.  When Little M woke up we collected all her pacifiers and I let her trade them in for her new Handy Manny toy.  She really liked it and all was good.  Then came nap time.  I went through Little M's normal routine then popped her in her crib.  She laid down but then popped right back up and asked "Where's the Nuk?" {that's what we call her paci}  I reminded her that she was a big girl and only babies need a Nuk.  She seemed to think it over and then laid back down.  I practically ran out of the room...ya...

Mommy Confession....

My daughter still has a pacifier.  Yes I know she will be two next month, and it highly recommended that after 12 months children stop using a pacifier.  But to be honest, as a mom, it's hard to take something away from your child when they really love it.  Something that is really not harmful at all.  Obviously I would never let her play with scissors or a bottle of's just a paci! The funny thing is Little M was never really attached to it when she was a baby.  She would easily take it, but she was also able to soothe without it.  I think she really got more attached to it when she was teething. Many times it was the only thing to help her. A few months ago we decided to cut down on paci time and limited Little M's use of it strictly to nap and bed times.  She did well with this arrangement for a really didn't seem to bother her much.  However a few weeks ago, her last few teeth were popping through with a vengeance and agai...

Birthday Recap

Thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes!  I had a fabulous day on Tuesday.  I got to sleep in late and was woken up with some hot chocolate, smores pancakes, and presents!  After a relaxing morning we headed out to grab some lunch at the food court at the mall {one of our favorite family places!} I spent the afternoon getting a relaxing pedicure and getting ready for a date night with Skip!  My mom came over to watch Little M and the only thing Skip would tell me was not to wear jeans.  We headed out to dinner and ended up at this super cute little French restaurant in our town.  As we were finishing up our meal, Skip surprised me with tickets to go see 'The Social Network'.  I couldn't believe we were getting to go out to dinner AND a movie!  You moms know what a treat that is! The movie was really good and overall it was one of the best birthdays ever!!  Looks like 28 will be better than I thought.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn  Not sure why this feels so old.  My friend L thinks it's because the number 8 is so wide, haha.  She says it's just a big number.   But even though I continue to get older and older every year, I am also more blessed.  And I wouldn't have it any other way. Now this old lady has got to run and get ready for a fun day with my little family!

Great Weekend....Picture FAIL

We have had a fabulous few days around here.  On Saturday we headed back down the beach {again I know!} to celebrate the engagement of one of my Marine's Girls.  Back in 2004 when Skip deployed to Iraq, I became very close with two girls, M and L, whose boyfriends were in Skip's unit.  L got married two years ago, and just a few months ago, M got engaged!  We were super excited to head down and celebrate with them. Little M tagged along and had a great time running around and playing with M's Old English Bulldog.  She was the life of the party and managed to stay awake and cranky-free until 9 pm.   Wahoo!!  Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures {bad blogger!} So these two I stole from M!! The happy couple! Hanging out with everyone! Sunday we got up nice and early and headed back home.  My birthday is tomorrow but I celebrated it with my friends and family yesterday!  My family came over at 1:00 and we ate pizza, cake, opened presents, and...

Snip Snip

I've trimmed Little M's hair a few times since she was born....mainly just her bangs and whatnot.  But recently her hair's been looking extra shaggy so Skip and I decided to take her to an actual salon for her very first big girl haircut! We found a fabulous kid's place nearby and headed over the other day.  They have seats shaped like cars and giant TV's for the kids to watch.  The stylist knew to put on Elmo as soon as we were called back!  She was very relaxed and Little M just sat there the whole time!  She wasn't a huge fan of the blowdryer but other than that she did great!  Once the cut was done, the salon gave Little M a certificate with a lock of her hair, a little lollipop, and a balloon!  It was a great day for my big girl! Ready to begin! First few cuts Moving her head to watch the TV, haha Getting some product put in her hair! My big girl with her super stylin' new hairdo! 

CSN Review

A little over a week ago I received my order from CSN .  I was so excited to get it, I could hardly wait the 7 to 10 days they would take with free shipping {first plus to the whole experience}  But soon enough I was the proud owner of these gorgeous beauties. I love them.  They are exactly what I had been lusting over and look exactly like the do on the website.  They are a great quality, fair price, and fit like a glove!  I also really liked that I could track my order online to see exactly when it would arrive.  In all honesty though, there was one slight downside to my order.  The boots arrived in a banged up box covered only in brown paper.  And there was no order form so I'm not quite sure what I would have done if I needed to send them back.  Though I'm sure if I had called the number on the website they would have been able to assist me. Overall it was another wonderful experience ordering from CSN .   I'm sure I will be heading ...

Run Skipper Run

Whoops, totally meant to write this post on Sunday.  Anyways, this past weekend we went down the shore to cheer on Skip as he ran the annual Long Beach Island 18 mile race!  Skip has been a good runner since well, boot camp.  But only for pleasure.  The only other race he has ever been in was a 5K he did with my big sis a year and a half ago.  So this was going to be big! This is a pretty big race and almost 1000 people run it every year.  It stretches from one end of the 18 mile island to the other.  It's nice and flat and great for running.  The only downside is that there is only one road  that runs the entire length of the island.  And they close that road for the race, obviously.  Which meant that  we could only see Skip at the finish line.  We couldn't see him at the start or anywhere else along the route :(  But the finish was the most important to me! Skip drove himself to registration and took a bus down to t...

Guess Why

As I said the other day, we are at the beach this weekend for a specific reason.  We are here because of these things: What do these things have in common?  What are your guesses??

A Walk to Remember

We're down at my parent's shore house again for a few days {yay!} This time for a specific reason though..that I will reveal on Sunday {with maybe a few hints before that}  Anyways, we came down last night and are already much more relaxed! We've had several raining days at home recently, so we were excited to wake up to sunny warm weather today, and made sure to take advantage of it!  We played outside a lot and tonight while I was making dinner, Skip volunteered to take Little M and Mr. B on a walk.  While they were out he took some really great pictures!  They might have only been taking with my I Touch, but the pure joy and love is apparent.  Check them out for yourselves! This last one is my absolute favorite!

Wordless Wednesday


Who Cares about Stinky Feet

Since Little M was only a baby, Skip and I have always joked with her that she has stinky feet.  I don't know's weird and we will probably give her a complex later on in life.  Anyways, the other day when I was changing her diaper, I made a big production of pretending to smell her feet and said "Pee yew!  You have stinky feet!" She looked right up at me and said, very seriously, "So what?" I almost died laughing.  What a little personality she has!!

Dear So and So

I love reading these on other blogs, so I thought it was time to do one of my own! Dear showerhead, I'm not sure why you decided to start shooting out really amazing water pressure the other day, but please don't stop.  It feels like a million little fingers are massaging my scalp every time I was my hair.  I have never felt so clean in my life! Dear September, Ummm, where did you go?  How is it October already?  I really hate the fall. Dear Little M, I am apologizing for the fact that your Daddy and I have already taught you to fist pump.  You're from're just going to have to embrace that. Dear Giants, Could SOMEONE on the team step up as a leader and make everyone start caring about winning again?  It's only the start of week 4 and I've already given up on the entire season.  You have one more chance against the Bears on Sunday before I change my loyalties to the other Manning brother {well really his team, as much as I love the Giants I...