Show and Tell - My Man

I'm very excited to be linking up with the lovely Becky today for her Show and Tell series! Today's topic is all about my man Skip:) 1. Tell us how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him. I met Skip August 24, 2003 at my best friend's house. She was dating Skip's best friend, and they strategically placed us together in her backyard. The first thing I liked about him was his piercing blue eyes and the fact that he smoked the same cigarettes as me {yes we used to smoke..I blame it on the young age} We talked for hours that night and the conversation never lulled. I can't tell you that I knew I would marry him that night, because I didn't. But I did know I felt some sort of connection with him and knew he would impact my life somehow. 2. Show us the very first {or one of the first} pictures you guys ever took together. {Feel free to show us more than one} I have been searching for weeks for the very first picture of u...