What I Don't Miss

It's hard to admit, but I no longer have babies in the house anymore. My tiny sweet girls have grown from squishy newborns to a toddler and preschooler. With every day that passes, we grow further away from the days of bottles, swaddling, and midnight feedings. And I'll admit it, some days I get sad that all the baby days are over, really sad . I mean who doesn't love tiny wrinkly baby feet?!?! It's weird to know that chapter in our lives is over. Veteran moms are always telling new moms to savor every single moment, even the bad ones , because they are all too fleeting. And I stand behind this statement 1000% . I could talk for days about all the precious moments, all the sweet little things I miss about having a snuggly little newborn. How I do mourn those days a little. But if we can honest here, there are a few things I won't miss about the baby stage. I loved every single thing about my sweet babes, but ...