
Showing posts from June, 2013

Fitness Friday - FItting in a Workout

I know, I know, I posted about workouts yesterday.  But I've had a few people ask me a little bit about my workouts recently, so I thought I'd discuss in a little more detail today. The question I get asked most frequently is how do I fit in my workouts.  Back when Skip and I were first married, I had tons of time to do long workouts.  I'd take a 4+ mile walk or hit the gym whenever Skip was working and I was off {and as a teacher I only worked till 3:30}.  Back then then I got in at least 5 workouts a week. Enter children.  My time to workout was cut drastically .  But it was still something super important to me, and so I vowed to make it a priority.  That's really the first step in finding time to workout.  You have to make the time.  Especially when you have children, no one is going to just magically adjust your schedule to fit it in.  That's what you have to do.  And it really takes a commitment. Another thing tha...

30 Miles in 30 Days

Another week with Manda linking up our miles for June! This week wasn't terrible, but it wasn't my best either.  I didn't feel that great last week, so I took some days off.  Hoping to finish out really strong for the next few days of June! Here's the breakdown: Thursday June 20 - none Friday - none Saturday - none Sunday - 3 mile walk Monday - 2.2 mile run Tuesday - 3.1 mile run Wednesday - none Weekly total: 8.3 miles Monthly total: 36.6 miles I'm definitely not making it to 50 miles in June...but at least 40 is doable! Go link up with Manda and join in the fun!

Wednesday Mumblings

- Happy Wednesday all!!  It's Skip's last day of work this week, so it's really more like our Friday. - That combined with the scorching heat and humidity we've been having puts me in a real good mood.  No seriously .  Give me 100*, I'm happy. - However Skip and I have learned that running in the middle of the day in 98* heat and high humidity is probably not the best idea we've ever had.  No pain no gain though right? - I spent most of the morning cutting up old t-shirts into workout shirts. I think they came out pretty cute! I'll do a whole post on that next week. - My parents are moving today.  Well actually, they've already moved.  My mom stopped over this morning to say goodbye.  They're not moving too far...just down the shore...about 1 1/2 hours from here.  But that is certainly farther than the 3 blocks they lived from me.  It has been so wonderful having them so close while the girls were so little.  It's really going ...

As a SAHM, do you have life insurace?

Pretty much since we met, Skip and I have always had to think about the future.  And not just in a love-y, what will our lives look like in 10 years kind of way, but a much more practical view of the future.  I mean I was dating a guy who had to have his will and power of attorney all figured out by the time he was 21.  We kept up that practicality throughout our early years of marriage, and now that we have children, it is even more important.  One of the big things Skip and I have been discussing recently is life insurance....specifically for me.  But I'm a stay-at-home mom?  We really didn't know where to begin our search. Then I found out about GENWORTH . Iframe support required to view this content. GENWORTH  is such a great resource to help navigate the difficult decisions of adult life such as life insurance, long term care, etc. I found the perfect article for our situation about not only why I need life insurance as a stay-at-home mom , but...

What I Live For

Linking up for another week with Becky and her 52 weeks of blogging with a purpose.  I'm really hoping to keep up with this for the whole challenge! Today's topic is Ten Things I Live For / Can't Live Without My little family The rest of my immediate family My sweet puppies...even in doggie heaven, Mr. B is still my boy My friends Working out The beach Relaxing in the sun Anything and everything Giants Diet Coke...specifically the fountain kind Reading What can't you live without?

Mom's Know Best!

Thanks to Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water for sponsoring today's discussion. Growing up, my mom was my main source of pretty much everything.  She fed me, clothed me, got me to school and all my activities on time.  But my mom, as most moms, gave me so so much more than that.    We went through a few tough times as a family when I was growing up.  But my mom was always the rock holding us together.  She always reminded my sisters and I of the quote from Steel Magnolias "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."  She would also throw in her own, "We can do this!"  It became our battle cry for getting through the hard times.    As I grew into high school, and then college, those statements became more than a way to get through tough times in life.  They began to fuel my desire to be a healthier, fit person.  I began a life-long love with exercise.  With my mom's words pounding through my head, I have been able to p...

Friday Ramblings and Photo Dump

I haven't been feeling great on and off all week.  I can't figure out if it's allergies or a cold, but I'm over it.   Anyways, I'm too busy blowing my nose to write anything of substance, so here's a nice photo fluff post for you today! Emmy changes into a different princess costume every  afternoon.  These were things I dreamed about when I first had a little girl.  We had a make-shift pond in our backyard due to a couple of really big storms recently.  I'm sure it grosses people out, but letting the girls play in it was one of my smartest ideas.  Kept them busy for hours! Emmy's new obsession these days is worms... It totally grosses me out Most of the time I work out in a tank top and old maternity shorts.  So  I felt all dressed up when I wore actual running clothes the other day. Apparently I should do that more often since I broke all kinds of personal records that day  Ewww Emmy drew up this design the other day for a tower. ...

30 Miles in 30 Days

Another week with Manda linking up our miles for June! I did not get in any workouts at the beginning of the week.  This was because I was getting ready for Charlie's party, and then we had Father's Day and my grandma's 90th birthday.  I'm sure I could have fit in something, but I just didn't want to.  I do feel pretty good about the workouts I got in though! Here's the breakdown: Thursday June 13 - Power yoga (no miles} Friday - none Saturday - none Sunday - none Monday - 2.5 mile run Tuesday - 3.1 mile elliptical / 3 mile bike Wednesday - 2.6 mile run/walk Weekly total: 11.2 miles Monthly total: 28.3 miles I'm not so sure I'll be able to get in 50 miles in June:(  But I'm still going to do what I can! Go link up with Manda and join in the fun!

Reading to Children

By reading adventurous books to your child daily, you will help your little one build his or her imagination. Studies have shown that parents who read to their children daily will help their children develop a lifelong love for learning. Books promote a child’s cognitive and emotional development. Books also help children explore their environments and develop a creative outlook on life. Personalized childrens books provide children with a unique method for helping them explore their imagination. By including your child’s name, picture and other images that your child can relate to in a personalized book, your child will use his or her creative abilities and contribute to the creation of an enchanted story. Your child can imagine that he or she is involved in the story as you read the personalized book, and it will also help build your child’s motivation to explore more books and help your child develop an increased level of self confidence.  Many children enjoy developing a conne...

Party Details

"You Are My Sunshine" is Charlie's favorite song.  So it was pretty much a no-brainer when it came to thinking of what theme to have for her second birthday. I browsed for some ideas for Pinterest, but mainly came up with everything by myself.  I try and come up with a party theme a few months in advance so I can take my time searching for decorations.  For this party I got all the supplies at Michaels, Party City, and Five and Below. For the food, I made the cupcakes, cookies, and macaroni salad myself.  We ordered two 3 ft sandwiches from Stop & Shop.  For drinks I made some lemonade and put out bottled water. Now for all the pictures!! I made the little signs on PicMonkey and printed them out on stock paper.  I taped them onto extra tall toothpicks.  I got these cute little boxes in the dollar section of Michaels and filled them with M&Ms....simple and easy! I ordered this vinyl online and put it onto this piece of wood I had painted I made ...