Fitness Friday - FItting in a Workout
I know, I know, I posted about workouts yesterday. But I've had a few people ask me a little bit about my workouts recently, so I thought I'd discuss in a little more detail today. The question I get asked most frequently is how do I fit in my workouts. Back when Skip and I were first married, I had tons of time to do long workouts. I'd take a 4+ mile walk or hit the gym whenever Skip was working and I was off {and as a teacher I only worked till 3:30}. Back then then I got in at least 5 workouts a week. Enter children. My time to workout was cut drastically . But it was still something super important to me, and so I vowed to make it a priority. That's really the first step in finding time to workout. You have to make the time. Especially when you have children, no one is going to just magically adjust your schedule to fit it in. That's what you have to do. And it really takes a commitment. Another thing tha...