Big News

Wow, talk about a blogging break. I did not mean to neglect this space so much over the holiday {though I feel like no one even reads blogs anymore, so it's probably not a big deal}. I will be back later this week with Christmas recaps, a look back at 2014 and a look ahead at 2015. But first I wanted to share my news with you, the reason that I've been away from here so much.... of last night, December 30, 2014 I officially finished my book. My very first novel. Well finished is a strong word to use as I have weeks and weeks of editing to do, but the first draft is DONE!! Yes, I hand wrote the whole thing, and then went back and typed up what I had written that day...because I'm crazy. Skip thinks these notebooks will be worth a ton of money one day...he sorely overestimates how much money people make writing. When I first started writing, I had only a small idea for a story. And before my eyes it grew and grew into something I'm rea...