As I said, the celebrating for this birthday was definitely different than past years since I have Little M now. It was fabulous though, and there is no greater present than her smiling face! Skip let me sleep in that day until 10:00 am {!!!!!} and I was awoken by him and Meredith and a tray of breakfast. There was a buttered bagel, cookies, and a Diet Coke...three of my most favorite foods! I got two beautiful cards and TICKETS TO THIS WEEKEND'S GIANT'S GAME!! So not only do I get to go see my Giants {for the last time in this stadium, tear} but it will also be a date night out with the husband! I think it will be the longest we will be out together sans baby! Anyways, we then went out to lunch with my parents to Friendlys ... yumm ! {no more fancy Italian restaurants for my birthday...only kid-friendly places for this girl!} After lunch we decided to go have some family fun at the park. Skip, Little M, Mr. B and I headed out to a park about 5 minutes from our house. ...