
Showing posts from June, 2010

A Day of Silence

Today we take a break in honor of Cohen ....

Wordless Wednesday

Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago when Little M decided she needed to wear my hoodie all day.

Miscellany Monday

{one} My day started off with Little M covered in poop....then yogurt. {two} Little M had at least 7 tantrums this morning {three} I was eating M&M's and drinking Diet Coke by 10 {four} My husband secretly loves watching Army Wives.  He made me watch it again at midnight when he got home from work because he had missed it! {five}  I bought a pack of the new Huggies Jean Diapers today.  Because they are so darn cute.  And it is way too hot for Little M to wear shorts {six} My sister just texted me and said she wants to watch Little M tomorrow night so the husband and I can go on a movie date....she is my favorite person right now {seven} This heat really needs to break.  Don't get me wrong, I love the 90* temperatures...but it is too hot to take Little M out and I *really* need to be able to take her out {eight} Skip is working his second 16-hour shift at work today...which means he hasn't seen Little M since Saturday...and won't see her until tomorrow. ...

Getting to Know Me

Today I actually decided to participate in the Sunday edition of Getting to Know You .  Head on over there and check it out yourself! The Questions 1.If you had 5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?              A boob job....and get my nose fixed!! 2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?              I don't have the time to watch it every day, but I just *love* General Hospital.  I started watching it with my mom when I was little {I'm talking Frisco days} and have been watching it off and on since.  I love  that even if I don't watch it for a few weeks I can still catch right back up! 3. Favorite clothing brand?             Anything at Kohls.  I'm not a fancy person, nor do I have tons of money to spend on clothes.  So Kohl's it is! 4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid servi...

First Overnight FAIL

As you can probably tell, since I am posting this blog from my house, things did not go so well today.  Little M and I hit the road at 10:15.  We were doing really well for about 45 minutes and then BAM....dead stopped traffic.  Bumper to bumper, barely moving.  The next three hours I sat in traffic, got off that highway and onto another, managed to use the most disgusting gas station bathroom I have ever seen while holding a toddler the entire time, had only a diet coke and gummy bears for lunch, and then sat in even more traffic.  When I hit the three hour mark I realized that I was only HALF WAY to my destination.  At that point I was at a crossroads.  I was about 65 miles from my friend's party, my sister, and my house.  So in my exhausted, hungry, hot, and frustrated state I made the decision to just turn around and come home.  Two more hours, another bathroom stop, and a pacifier flushed down the toilet later, we were home. I was, and s...

First Overnight

Tomorrow Little M and I are embarking on our first ever overtime trip all by ourselves!  My friend's nephew is turning 2 and since he and Little M are destined to marry one day, we are of course packing up the car and heading down to south Jersey to attend his birthday party!  We are then going to head over to my sister's place {she lives a lot closer to the party than I do} and spend the night with her. I am excited for Little M to get to play with her little 'boyfriends' and it will be so great to spend a relaxing night with my big sis {and sleep in her guest room which seriously looks like it is straight out of a hotel} but I am still embarking on this journey with the slightest bit of nervousness.  It will be a long day with just me and the baby and lots of driving.  But what makes me saddest is that it is our first night away from Skip!  I have this slight  crazy obsession attachment to him and hate to leave him :(  Silly and ridiculous I know! ...

Catch Up

 I have been kind of MIA from the blogging world recently.  I have been keeping up with all your blogs, but by the time I am able to sit down at the computer and really dedicate some time to it, I am so far behind reading I don't really have time to comment.  I promise to get better about that! Part of the reason I have been so busy is all the family time we have been spending.  We had a playdate with my SIL and nephew {who at six months is bigger than Little M...he's going to be a football stud for sure!}  We had my parents, sister, and her bf over for dinner, and Skip's parents over for lunch.  And with all of that comes a lot of cooking and Father's Day gift buying and wrapping {on top of all the regular housework and stuff}.  So we've been busy. Another reason  I have been busy is that Little M has decided to hit the 'terrible twos' a whole six months early {though my mom assures me that this is totally normal}  Skip and I have been knee ...

Wordless Wednesday

Focus on the cute girl and ignore the fact that her Mommy has been the worst blog poster / commenter recently.  Will be back soon!

A Day at the Park

First off, thank you so much for all the comments on my last was really interesting to read what you all had to say!  It gave me a lot to think about and I've pretty much decided that we will only know if we are having two or three kids after we have our next one.  In terms of spacing, my sisters and I were all three years apart and I really think a balance similar to that would work for our family. But now onto yesterday.  We had an early Father's Day celebration.  Skip is working the 3 pm - 11 pm shift on Father's Day this year {as well as Friday, Saturday, and Monday}  We are still going to go out to lunch on Sunday and give him his presents then, but I wanted to do something else special for him. We started the morning at a local park by us.  It literally has everything!  It has a miniature zoo with tons of animals, {Little M's favorite thing these days} a train that takes you around the park, a carousel, a playground, and tons of picnic ...

When and How Many?

The Mrs. from Trying Our Bes t has been writing some very thought provoking posts this week.  She has put in to writing a lot of what I have been thinking about, and Skip and I have been talking about recently.  First let me preface this by saying that no we are not yet trying for another baby...just didn't want anyone to get excited just yet! Anyways, Skip and I have been talking alot about when to have our next baby.  And then how many children do we want to have?  When I was younger, I wanted really.  But then that got worked down to about 4.  Skip was always happy with the idea of 2.  So we compromised and after we got married decided on 3.  Then I got pregnant. I was so so so very sick the first five months when I was pregnant.  The doctors put me on Zofran and while that helped, I was still nauseous all.the.time and throwing up at least once a week.  I was tired, sore, and miserable being so big. {please don't get me wrong, ...

In Remembrance...

 Today marks the five year anniversary of the death of one of Skip's friends from the Marines.  In honor of Jesse I am reposting what I wrote about him last May.  We miss you Jesse... Not All Precious Jewelry Has to Sparkle By nature I am not really a bracelet type of girl. I have a few beautiful ones that I save for special occasions, but never day-to-day.  However, recently I have taken to wearing a bracelet every day that my husband gave me a few years ago.  Now my husband has WONDERFUL taste in jewelry and has gotten me several beautiful pieces over the years.  However this particular bracelet may not appeal to most of the general public.  Here are two pictures: It is made of green parachute cord, attached with a button found lying around somewhere.  It was a birthday present from my husband when he was only my fiance, back in October of 2004...when he was deployed to Iraq.'s all starting to make sense now:)  All of the Ma...

Sandbox Fun!

My parents recently bought a sandbox for Little M to play with when are down the shore.  Last week was the first time she saw it and she absolutely loved it!  She played in it for almost 45 minutes straights without fussing!  I'm sure she is excited to go back down and get to play with it again. Mr. B likes the sandbox too!


As much as we loved being on the beach, it was also really nice just to hang out at my parent's house.  It was just the five of us {me, Skip, Little M, Mr. B, and Shiba!} and it was so nice to just relax and have some quality family time! Showing off her hat and pretty dress Chillin on the couch with Shiba Yes that is a teething ring...I hate 1 year molars! Our feeble attempt at taking a family picture in the mirror Nothin' but a t-shirt on Snuggling with Mommy She's just getting so big!!

Beach Bunny

We managed to do alot on our short little vacation so I'm going to split it up into a few posts.  We spent the majority of the time though just relaxing on the beach!  We spent alot of time on the beach last summer too, but this was the first time Little M was walking and running on the beach!  It took her a minute to get used to the sand, but then she was off!  She loved chasing seagulls, walking with Daddy, digging in the sand with her bucket and shovel, and staring out at the waves {though she *hates* putting her feet in the water....maybe because it was only 60*!!} I love the beach more than any other place in the world and I am so glad my daughter has taken such a liking to it as well.  Here are some pictures from our two days enjoying the sand and surf. Eating a sweet treat from Daddy! Not sure what this face is about! Chocolate face! View on the it! Putting sand in the bucket So happy she likes wearing her hat Beach bunnies! {yes that is a ne...