As you can probably tell, since I am posting this blog from my house, things did not go so well today. Little M and I hit the road at 10:15. We were doing really well for about 45 minutes and then BAM....dead stopped traffic. Bumper to bumper, barely moving. The next three hours I sat in traffic, got off that highway and onto another, managed to use the most disgusting gas station bathroom I have ever seen while holding a toddler the entire time, had only a diet coke and gummy bears for lunch, and then sat in even more traffic. When I hit the three hour mark I realized that I was only HALF WAY to my destination. At that point I was at a crossroads. I was about 65 miles from my friend's party, my sister, and my house. So in my exhausted, hungry, hot, and frustrated state I made the decision to just turn around and come home. Two more hours, another bathroom stop, and a pacifier flushed down the toilet later, we were home. I was, and s...