Busy Body Book review

Anyone that knows my in real life knows that I am the *queen* of calendars. I have on on the wall in our kitchen, one in our office, one in my purse, and Skip has one he carries everywhere as well. It may seem a little overkill, but if you saw my husband's rotating shift schedule, you would totally understand why. Add to that places I have to go, play dates, vacations, and Little M's doctor's appointments and I barely know where we are all supposed to be everyday! I don't just want to be organized, I *need* to be organized. But recently I was given an opportunity to review a product that has revolutionized my organization skills in only one week! Busy Body Books sent me an organizer...the most amazing organizer I have ever seen, truly. I got the August 2010-August 2011 organizer and it looks like this Isn't it pretty? They are also available in a calendar year as well. The revolutionary aspect of these organizers is that each week has "...