Random Musings

- I just got an email telling me when my ten year high school reunion is. I'm very excited but also feeling very old! - Grey's Anatomy is having a musical episode tonight...not sure how I feel about that yet. - Apparently it's Opening Day for baseball today....I could really care less.....I miss football :( - New Baby's crib arrived yesterday and I cannot wait to set it up! It makes it feel way more real to me now. Here's what it looks like! - I had a total panic last night about the fact that I will soon be a mommy to TWO kids. How will I ever take them both out by myself? What about bathtime / bedtime when Skip is working nights? Begin freak-out now. - It's going to snow tomorrow....in April. - I'm happy to be heading to Maryland for the weekend for my Marine's Girl L's baby shower!! {though the three hour drive will probably be more like ten with all the bathroom stops I'll have to make - Since I won't be bloggin the next few days, ...