100th Post!
Okay, I had originally planned to write 100 things about myself for this post, but since no one asked any questions{ :( } it just seems to daunting to think of that many things about myself to tell you. So instead I've decided to write a list of 100 things I would like to accomplish. I first got the idea from Vanessa over at Journey to James 1:27 . She has compiled a list of 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days. I'm not going to be that specific. These are just 100 things I would like to get done in the next five years. I will keep this post on the side of my page and check off each one as I accomplishment so you can check up on my progress! PS....finished things will be changed to red Things in progress will be in orange Work out at least 3x per week for three months straight Take Little M on the train at Van Saun Park Visit the Outer Banks Finally send in my paper work for my NJ teaching license Establish a once-a-month date night out with my husband Finally buy new furnit...